Prague Startups List

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ID 496055

Rodrigo Rivera

Data Science & Startups @rocket-internet • Founder @emplido • Studied @national-university-of-singapore, @bocconi-university @technical-university-of-munich

ID 371950

Oldrich Matusek

Founder of @ishopping-1 , Co-founder of @maqtoob , occasional consultant for those, who do not hesitate to ask for help.. "beauty is in simplicity"

ID 670909

Tervel Sopov

ID 33605

Peter Ocasek


Founder & CEO @angelcam, Co-founder @startupyard & @node5 #500strong

ID 682519

Jan Svoboda

ID 343560

Nick Avedesian

CEO of The Vantage Group | Founder of Avedesian Enterprises

ID 123268

Kirill Sofronov

Growth & traffic acquisition, worked in app/software distribution @hitfox, Berlin and private equity @EnerCap, Prague

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