Prague Startups List

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Meet 12 finance View everyone

ID 353092

Phillip Dade

Serial Entrepreneur finishing school @harvard

ID 817888

Martin Kopecký

ID 650491

Ales Kudrna

Founder Livento Investments

ID 445255

Tomas Hnilicka

Founder Liftago • Worked at @kpmg

ID 316703

Polina Kirichuk

Ambitious student looking for a job or internship in business field bringing an extended background in tourism, can-do attitude and attention to detail to gain experience in the field and develop professional qualifications.

ID 87390

Orion Burt

Co-founder at Fondu and recommender engine dev turned Marketing Director. @new-york-university Stern, Accounting & Computer Science.

ID 304412

Radil Stefovski

Investment Director at ARX Equity Partners, a CEE focused private equity fund.

ID 148506

Gary Sheynkman


Director of Ad-Ventures @carrot-creative . Before: Corporate Development @ @kit-digital. 4 years: ~100-1500 people, NASDAQ IPO, 12 acquisitions, 4 Secondaries.

ID 777970

Kornélia Linkeschová

ID 662718

Martin Zachar

ID 663590

David Horak

Studied at @wharton-school @university-of-pennsylvania, @university-of-edinburgh •

ID 468746

Raman Lukashevich

//}) /* // var y = $(this).scrollTop(); //var y = $(this).scrollTop(); //console.log('y = '+ y); if (jQuery(this).scrollTop() > 1200 ) { $('#promoBand').fadeIn(); } else { $('#promoBand').fadeOut(); } */ //do something special }, 11000);